Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Powe Tears ACL But B-Scals Cleared To Play. Yay?

Awesome. Motherfucking terrific. I'm so enthused. Which Chicago player will light our ass up tomorrow night? Maybe Joakim Noah will look like the next best thing again. I really hope Rondo has another break out game only to commit the dumbest foul ever on Derrick Rose like he did in in game 1. Yeah he did work alright. If by work you meant being a complete shit head. I'm just waiting for all the Boston fans who jumped on our back last year when we were crowned champs, to move on and become Bruins fans only to disappear until October and they suddenly show up wearing a Jacoby Ellsbury shirt because he's gorgeous. You'll ignore his piss poor stats as a true lead off man and praise him for God knows what. Maybe even throw on a Patriots shirt even though 2 years ago you were slapping your best friends hand when the G-men won the superbowl because it was a "great game." Fuck that. I hold that as the darkest week of my life. Ever. Your dog could have died and I'd tell you to fuck off then spit on your shoe. I don't know what the point of this post is anymore except that 47% of the fans that fill the Garden for every Celtics game don't deserve to be there and it fucks my day up. It pisses me off and now I'm sweating. Hopefully Scals can put on a performance like Blount did in '04. Who? Exactly. Go fuck yourself. Suck my balls. Everyone.

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