Thursday, April 23, 2009

Lets Get It On.

Joba Chamberlain, the Yankees' starter in the series opener Friday, has made something of a habit of throwing at Red Sox hitters -- namely, Kevin Youkilis, who has been buzzed by Chamberlain four times since 2007. But has that helped him get inside their heads? Judging by David Ortiz's comments to the New York Post this morning, it's not out of the realm of possibility: "None of that, man -- just play the game the way it's supposed to be, and that's about it," Ortiz said, referring to Chamberlain. "This is a guy, as good as he is, the next step for him will be to earn respect from everybody in the league. He's not a bad guy, but when things like that happen, people get the wrong idea."

Ohhh babbbyyy. I'm ready to go right now. In other words, do not fuck with us. You can bet your ass that if this Joba fucker tries any tough guy shit on the sox then Beckett or Lester will be up there to drill any of those little clean cut bitches right in the noggin. Who is this guy anyway? Sure, he's good but he's not great. Nothing special. The bottom line is this kid hasn't earned respect from anybody in the league. He's like the dude at a party that no one knows and you just keep crossing his name off the pong list and ignoring all of his comments because you know he just wants to throw in his 2 cents so people acknowledge him. The kid who starts a fight and gets his ass kicked and not a soul stops it because no one knows him or respects him. You just walk away saying, "Donahue had it coming man." Follow me now. Joba is a career number 3 starter at best and where I come from they have no busisness throwing at the head of MVP candidates.

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