Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Hoff Loves Him Some D-Wade

Told at the door that Prime 112 was closed late Monday for Alonzo Mourning's private retirement party, actor David Hasselhoff asked excitedly if Dwyane Wade would be there, and could he please come back later to see him. Hasselhoff did return -- to hug Wade and Zo, invite Wade to visit him in L.A., and allude to the 2006 Finals, when Heat fans held up Hasselhoff's photo on free throws by Dirk Nowitzki (who likes his music).

Bahhaaa. Hoff is the man. He's like that 26 year old guy who wishes he was still in college and banks on past relationships to get him into parties. You know what I mean. You'll be talking in a group and he'll come out of no where and start every question with, "hey remember when.." Then he'll proceed to tell you about the time he scored 26 points in one half of basketball and how many chicks he used to run through on a weekly basis. Every story you tell, he tries to top it. You don't talk shit about him because deep down he's a good time to sit and laugh at. He might ask you for your phone number so you guys can catch up. Even though you were 10 when he was 17. It's like he's always hooked on a feeling or something....

If you didn't see that coming then you do not know me at all

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