Thursday, April 2, 2009

Lets Look Up Connor On Urban Dictionary...

person with large penis
omg look at the size of it he must be a connor

a CHRISTIAN very sweet & extra handsome guy with amazing eyes and a cute smile. Irish. weird but in a good way. doesn't do bad things. nonviolent (most of the time). extra genius ;). loves football & is my superman. super good dancer. sumtimes very quiet & at other times super loud. so complicated. thinks he can speak spanish. confuses me, frustrates me, & makes me smile :). is gonna watch the notebook with me. & play in the rain with me and kiss me and hold me close and tell me everything is gonna be ok when i'm :(. needs to spend time with me :(. sumtimes i wish i knew wat he was thinkin. funny. AMAZING. breathtaking. hope he really really does care bout me???...cuz i <3 him

That connor is an amazing dude

Connor is lad/Guy who is Very Sexy,
is known by all girls as Sexy Connor
and is so fucking cool.
Hung like a horse.

I wish i was Connor

The male equivalent to shawty.
that guy is my Connor, I got his back.

Coolest, most sexiest person in existance! He is a true genius and is loved by all his friends and hated by all those jealous of his awesomeness! If you are named Connor, thank your parents by eating your other siblings. Also if you are bestowed with the name Connor, don't take anything from anybody!
Wow, Connor is awesome, i want to do him.
I hate Connor because he is everything I am not.

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