Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Back with a vengance...

The focus of this video isn't on the badass trainer...but rather me sparring in the background (orange shorts)...i beat that kids fuckin ass...and thats what i would have done to the bearded man who attempted to stomp my boy. The first punch to the dome after the teep was my favorite...classy. a new man April 2nd...I've listened to my fair share of Ne-Yo tonight, didn't shoot a respectable score today, cut the ties with the girl, as well as rolled a stop sign and cut off a cop and still didn't get pulled over, so im going to start over 2morro...tonsils and all to be a new man. There is no sports news tonight, because sports aren't worthy of my beautiful life. We won last night. MSC that is. CScans with 2 for the MVP. I had Rza's back in that squabble for the record, nothing else is really tits are moist (sorry mature readers). I have a love hate relationship with Rza's cat Brady as minute hes purring on my nuts and the next hes clawing out my asshole. How does our ass taste tim farmer?? Try to do sports again...and im puttin you in a wall. 

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