Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The End.

WALTHAM - The Celtics plan to shut down Kevin Garnett until the final week of the regular season, but his right knee will not require immediate surgery, according to an NBA source. The source said the decision was made following the Orlando game last Wednesday after Garnett met with president of basketball operations Danny Ainge and coach Doc Rivers and confirmed as Garnett limped through the early part of yesterday's practice. Garnett is experiencing soreness and has difficulty loosening the muscles in the knee.

Worried doesn't even begin to express the emotions I have built up inside of me right now. Do I doubt that we can win another ring this year? Sadly yes. Big Baby is cool and all that shit but I don't trust him what so ever. He's always 1 badly timed jump shot away from making want to vomit in my cereal. I don't know how I missed this KG news yesterday. You knew this knee injury was far worse than they first announced when it first happened. You don't come down that hard on one knee and walk away from it not harmed. Ask Judas about that. No? I think "shut down" was the perfect wording for what they are doing to KG cause that man is an absolute machine. His prescense on the court alone could turn back the ships of Sparta.

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