Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Oh. You Can't Do That?

You'll have to excuse the level of non posts today. We're having a few formatting problems and it's really pissing me right fuck off. In all honesty I'm still a little shaken up from my near death experience last night. I'm sorry I got my ultimate Sean Avery on. I guess I'm the most hated man in the FSA Mens league now after my display of provoking 35 year old men to fight me at center field. I understand the frustration they get that they can no longer keep up with a gazelle like myself. Maybe I was wrong for running my mouth like no other. I could have walked away when the bearded man grabbed me on a fast break and I could have told him to "back the fuck off old man." I chose the latter. That's my game though. I may or may not have stomped on another guys ankle and he may or may not be in a cast this morning. I really don't give a shit. He shouldn't have asked for the thunder if he didn't want to get destroyed by the storm. I gotta protect my guys. Next time an old man runs at me in full sprint calling me a "little bitch" or a "dirty motherfucker" and to "be a man in a mens league" the story will end with him getting put into a wall. Or mesh nets. If it's a crime to want to win games and do whatever is humanly possible to get the job done, then consider myself and MSC 110% guilty.

P.S. Everyone talks about how un-classy I am and bearded fella just forgot to shake my I guess so you tell me who won.

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