Friday, April 17, 2009

No. Now I'm Back.

Listennnnnn. It's been just dump fuck days the past week. First KG is done for the year and then the healthiest man in America, Danny Ainge has a heart attack. Jonny Flynn leaves Syracuse and kills our chance for a title next year. John Madden retires from football. And the Sox just suck. So I apologize for my lack of production. I mean I thought the other guys could come in and pick up the slack because that's what championship teams do. They grind and finish with positive results, no matter how fucking ugly it gets. Which leads me to my next point. This is a lengthy post so strap the fuck in. I got a lot to say.

The C's. We're in trouble. No doubt about that. KG is the heart and soul of this team and to say someone could even fill his shoes is absolutely criminal. And to those who say this is all a ploy by the C's front office to fool our opponents; you're fucking dumb. End of story. The guy is the definition of a warrior. And maybe he's just old and knees and old people don't mix well. But we can win this whole thang. I'm a big believer in love. And that's what this team has for each other. They pick each other up when some are down and light up the darkness when all but hope is gone. You've all just been Rondo'd.

That's 2 wins in a row for the sox kids. Here we fucking come. For the first time since I can remember, the bullpen is actually our strongest part of the team. Brad Penny was to put it kindly, troublesome tonight. But you expect that out of a guy who had injury problems a year ago and this early in the year, I'm OK with it. You know what really grinds my gears? David Ortiz. Like scary how much this guy scares me. You don't strikeout 3 fucking times then walk away with a smirk on your mug. You walk your ass into the batting cages and you get to fucking work. In these harsh economic times we can't be wasting our time on guys with just a reputation. It's a cut throat world and all about what have you done for me lately. We can talk about his knee or wrist or whatever papi loyalist's can conjure up. The bottom line is this. Maybe he just isn't that great of a hitter. And it fucking pains me to say such a thing. He's a guy who had probably the most feared right handed hitter in the game batting behind him and protecting him. Of course he was getting pitches to smack. But not anymore. Don't get me wrong, Youk is a good clean up guy but Manny was great. And that's what makes the difference between protecting a guy like Papi. Overall I like this Sox team. Jbaybaybay is huge(not physically). Dustin is MVP. Youk is yankin. Jacoby is ehhh just a pretty face. JD isn't hurt yet, Mike Lowell is trying to keep his job, Nick Green is who the fuck is nick green? 'Tek is 'Tek. You always know what you're gonna get from him and he'll even suprise ya once in a while. Like a loyal female. We're gonna get that mojo poppin real soon. Hopefully scrubs like Nick Green aren't around to enjoy it. I got nothing against him as a player. Think he plays stellar defense and he had a couple clutch hits this evening. This is more personal. I don't wanna get into it. Let's just say he doesn't use his right blinker in traffic and nothing pisses me off more than people switching lanes without a notification. Or when lanes merge and that one fuck head passes 3 cars when he should have been behind you. Usually a gaysian (gay asian) or a female. Where was I?

Sean Avery did his thing the other night. Tripped a guy, shoved his stick into the goalies chest, barked like a dog, just another day in the life. Bruins won too. Blah, blah, blah, blah. I feel so much like giving up.

I promise I'll stop with these extra long one post a day shit. I just needed to recover.

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