Saturday, April 18, 2009

I Thought I Was OK. Then I Woke Up.

Boston Red Sox shortstop Jed Lowrie has traveled to Arizona to have his injured left wrist further examined, and the second-year veteran said there's a chance his season was over. "The last thing I want is surgery," Lowrie said Friday, according to the Boston Herald. "But if it's something that will make this better and be the long-term solution, I'll do it."

If one more player goes down with an injury I am calling Jack Bauer in for a state of emergency. This is fucking disgusting. It's not even small injuries anymore. It's all season ending shit. It's like my deepest and darkest fears are coming true. Nick Green or Julio Lugo at short all year? Ugh. I'm trying not vomit in my mouth. Nick Green is no youngster like our boy Jed. He's a 30 year old chump who has barely played 3 major league seasons. Like he's not too old for the earth but he's too old to be our starting short stop. And he just sucks. If I'm sitting down at the dinner table and he walks over to grab some grub with me, I'm standing up and excusing myself. Don't even put me and that dude in the same breath.

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