Monday, April 6, 2009

just another day..

There are few things better the past 2 days, the beginning of baseball season. Yes the Mets opened with a W and it went just as they would love it. Johan was strong going 5.2 innings of 3 hit 1 run ball. Then Putz and K-Rod came in to close it down. Every starter had a hit. Not much better could have happened. Its our year babyyyyyy.

In other news....
I stole a 3+ foot grinder out of the back of a mini van today...yes you read that is my story.:
So after a quick indoor baseball practice me and my boy dowd decided to go to a restaurant we frequently visit...Subway. While there we noticed this lade getting 21 of these massive subs in her car. We decided to follow the van hoping to get some more subway for free. Well she went to the local public middle school. Long story short, we waited...she went in...we went in the back and took a huge subway, and i provided dinner for the family.

god bless subway.

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