Monday, April 13, 2009

ESPN Chicago? Fuck. That.

Where does ESPN get off? Who do they think they are? Wheres the integrity? As if I didn't have enough of a problem with ESPN and the lousy front office decisions they have made in past, this just fucking puts them over the top. These guys are notorious for there prominent conflict of interests on SportsCenter and the type of news they report so obviously this is the type of shenanigans that would occur. Chicago gets there own site now. Yeah that makes perfect sense. They've only been dominating sports for the past decade so I can understand why they made this move. Oh, wait that would be Boston. Let's go to Chicago where they have one of the saddest histories in baseball and trade for whiney bitches like Jay Cutler. That will fire America right the fuck up. MJ is walking through that door to save the baby bulls anytime soon. Listen, you know you're wrong and you fucked up when you can only identify 3 of the guys in the picture above and that's only because one of them is Ben Gordon and he's from UConn and Soriano began life with the Yankees. I just don't understand this move at all. I guess if we want to award sports citys for always coming in second place lets give the best golfer title to Phil and get Mccain in office.

P.S. Jonny Flynn signed with an agent today.

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