Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Please Stop.

3 words. Cut.The.Shit. I can't taking anymore overtime games. My weakened heart cannot possibly go through another night like the past 5 games. Chicago is good but they're not that good. Like they're not take me overtime, break my heart, and beat the defending champs type of good. 's Honestly, if the C's lost last night just minutes after the Rangers blew it in the 3rd period and Javy Lopez dropping the ball on first base, I might not be alive today. By the way, fuck Javier Lopez. Why does this dude keep getting opportunities? I understand you wanna get your pitchers some early innings but come the fuck on man. He sucks. He's garbage. He hasn't done a positive thing all year and I hope he never does. Because he sucks and I hate him. and it wouldn't shock me if he smelled like pickles. You know who else can eat a dick? Brad Miller. Oh, you got hit with a hard foul in the playoffs? BOO FUCKING HOO. You just got Rondo'd motherfucker. Rondo is a third of your size and you're asking for a flagrant foul. Really? Because I think a real man would walk his ass down the court and get him some revenge. Not cry, not hold your cheek 'cause your tooth hurts and you need mommy to patch you up. No, you get your ass on defense and you start banging bodies in the paint. I guess it wouldn't matter though because Perk would just dominate you again like the previous 53 minutes of basketball. Let's fucking go Boston. Put these bitches to bed and let Brad Miller visit his dentist. Puh-puh-leaseeeeeee win tomorrow night. Maybe even bring KG back and I'll legit be wet in my pants. And we're not talking urine hunny. Wait what? Yeah, another 28 point, 8 assist, 7 board performance from Rondo and this place is gonna be goddamn pool.

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