Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spencer Vs. ?

I watched this fight last night and I still don't know how I feel about it. I mean does this guy deserve to get his ass kicked for having bitch ways? Maybe. But a cheap shot to the face? No. I almost feel bad for the poor chap after he got the noise brought on him by a piece of shit like Spencer. I guess his name is Cameron? He didn't even want to fight but Spencer still threw the first punch then another 23 chin taps. And how don't his boys jump in on this brawl? They had Spencer outnumbered like 6-1 and they don't have the balls to jump in? Just seperated the two? Bunch of bitches if you ask me. They would have been legends for the rest of their lives if they knocked that dumb bastard out.If I was this Cam character I think I know who I'm leaving off of my Xmas list.

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