Saturday, April 18, 2009

Man Gets The Noise Brought On Him

A man is in fair condition after being beaten with a board in Hartford, police said.Police said there was a fight outside a 24-hour convenience store at the corner of Albany Avenue and Bedford Street Friday night.Hartford police said they believe the fight was between two people and that one was struck with a 2-by-4.

This might be worse than throwing a shoe in battle. I mean who uses a 2 by 4? Talk about bringing a knife to a gun fight. Not my fault some were playing chess while others were playing checkers. I don't necessarily condone the use of a wood board but I'm not gonna hound the guy for it. Talk about improvising here. If this was the NFL draft, I bet Mel Kiper would get in on this talk and even describe the guy as crafty. Maybe a little shifty. A modern day Brett Favre. Makes big decisions in big spots. In fact, I admire the little guy for pulling out all the stops. He kept his head on a swivel and that's exactly what you gotta do when you find yourself in a vicious cock fight.

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