Monday, April 20, 2009

Ovechkin Needs To Get Knocked The Fuck Out

NEW YORK -- The New York Rangers had an interested observer sitting on the visitors bench as they took the ice for their pregame skate Monday morning. Washington Capitals winger Alex Ovechkin was watching the Rangers' practice when a Rangers trainer complained to the Capitals. Washington PR man Nate Ewell then asked Ovechkin to leave the area. "Alex was just looking for a place to relax. He likes being by the ice," Ewell said. "As soon as he found out it made the Rangers uncomfortable, he left." When asked why the Rangers wanted him to leave, Ovechkin joked: "Because they're afraid of me."

Yeah? The Rangers are afraid of you? The fact that you've never escaped the 1st round of the playoffs, just lost 2 games at home, or the fact you haven't been able to find the back of net yet? I see all the room for fear now. Fucking euro-trash hockey players. They're all visor wear bitches who run around, play tough but never back anything up. Unless you're from Canada, get off the ice. Let the real men show you how it's done. You don't see Sean Avery sitting in on a practice session. Typical Russians. Which brings up another side. The Patriots and General Bill get called cheaters for the next 40 years but because the media loves this Ovechkin character, we just laugh it off. I sense a conflict of interest. Typical ESPN.

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