Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sox Won 11 In a Row And That Doesn't Even Satisfy Me.

Big night. Big motherfucking night. Our drug dealers south of the boarder would even say tonight is grande, if you will. We got game 7 of the NHL playoffs bitches. It's Sean Avery vs. everyone from Washington. No doubt my guy needs to get his hitting game going. Finish those checks, get the puck in the slot and fire away. Make sure his direction finder is not off. That's the only hockey lingo I got. It's cup or bust as far as I'm concerned. Celts on tonight. game 5. Stop fucking around out there boys. If they make Ben Gordon look like a fucking all star one more time I'm gonna hop off the couch and teach those motherfuckers how to play defense. Usually when you're up by 3, it's probably best to cover their best outside shooter. I don't know, that just seems most logical in that situation. I really don't give a shit about this team winning a championship last year. You used to be able to go to Africa and buy someone to mow your lawn but you don't see kunta kintai manning a weed whacker. That was then, this is now. That game 4 loss was despicable. I'd have my guys running sprints that next day, doing defensive slides for 90 minutes. Kevin Garnett is not walking through that door and neither is another ring obviously. Fuck it. This team just upsets me right now. Rule #76: No excuses, play like a champion.

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