Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Weekly One Tree Hill Post.

I wish I knew how to quit you, Lucas Scott. The show is boring. It's what one would call a bor-a-thon. It had less suspense than the Hills last night when Brody and that slut hooked up but they didn't show it and they tried to make a dramatic but Brody just ruined it like a G and spilled the beans as he fell on the hammock. Classic. I didn't really have any issues on last nights episode. That's not true. Apparently a 25 year old guy taking a 5 year old boy to a school dance isn't sketchy? I mean I know if I was a teacher, I think I'd sit a guy named "skills" down and ask about his intentions with one of my students. And when do 5 year olds go to school dances? The little guy even asked a chick to go with him who had like 3 front teeth missing. Yeah. Jackpot if you catch my drift. You usually have to pay for shit like that in Tiajuana. Nick Lachey obviously is in need of money. And I gotta say he's kind of a scum bag. Him and that haley broad were giving each other googly eyes the entire time. Lost a lot of respect for him out there. I used to give him the benefit of the doubt but no more. Next time he wants to kick his ball to improve his lie, I'm putting a stroke down on his card. Then I'll pull it. Ya follow? What else. I guess Peyton is still pregnant and apparently she might die. I don't want to say it for baby ears over here but it rhymes with shmooshmortion and it seems to be the only logical solution. Or throw yourself down some stairs. I got nothing else. I was just dissappointed with how Lachey carried himself in his tight beef cake shirt. So what? So lets dance!

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