Wednesday, April 1, 2009

God Loves UCONN?

A pair of nuns from Meriden hopes to bring some luck to the University of Connecticut men's basketball team as they face off Saturday night against Michigan in the final four.Mother Shaun Vergauwen and Sister Mary Richards, of the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist, are so close with Coach Jim Calhoun, he invited them personally to be at the big game. They said that if they weren't hosting a cardinal from the Vatican, they'd be courtside. "Instead, we'll be at home storming heaven, hoping UConn succeeds," Richards said."We'll have services in the a.m., and then the game is at night, then hopefully we'll be watching Monday," Vergauwen said.

Let me just say there is nothing I love more than college basketball and nuns. They're like peanut butter and jelly. Mj and Scotty, Donahue and 14 year old girls. I might get struck down from the heavens for this comment but here it goes; The nuns said they're going to be "storming heaven" while they are having a cardinal from the Vatican visit? I don't what type of sexual education they teach over there in the seminary but where people like me come from it's called doin the hipidy dipidy. Of course the cardinal will probably need a 8 year boy to get him heated (I didn't mean that) (Yes I did). Yikes. I mean it's easy to see why religious figures would love a guy like Calhoun. Such a gentle, old soul. Always open to questioning and is just an ultimate class act. He takes very well to criticism. That's a known fact. My best advice to him? Shut up.

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