Friday, April 24, 2009

Just When I Thought I Was Out....They Pull Me Right Back In

I'll tell ya what. Sean Avery doesn't get benched tonight and London doesn't come out with some tomfoolery about the Super Bowl moving there, I probably ride off into the sun set with my dignity. But no. I'm back to take what is mine. I want to quit badly but the people needed someone to believe in. Hate it or love it. A lot of you motherfuckers think you know just who this guy is. There comes a time in every mans life when he has to take a look in the mirror and decide just who he is. Well, I've to that cross road and I've decided I'm a man. I'm an athlete. And I'm a lover. But the most I am, I mean the most, is a god damn champion. And the one thing a champion does not do is fucking quit. A true champion faces his enemies and he conquers them. And that is why I'm here today to tell you I am officially re-accepting my job as Dr. cock n balls. Remember that day where I taught ya'll to make it rain? That's what I'm gonna be doing every single night. Dollar. Dollar. Bills ya'll. Anyway. Aves gets benched for being awesome. Sorry the guy likes to bring the fucking thunder every night. I really don't care to watch hockey unless my boy is on the ice so that's all I'm gonna say about that. I'm told the Rangers lost 4-0. Are you surprised? Look at the bullshit that pops up when you try to put guys like us down. Assholes-1 World-0.

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