Thursday, April 9, 2009

Another Day, Another Yankee Disgrace

NEW YORK -- Joba Chamberlain professed his love for The Big Apple after a police video of his October DUI arrest surfaced showing the Yankees' hard-throwing 23-year-old criticizing New York City motorists and even poking fun of Hall of Famer Yogi Berra. "I'm not the player or the individual I am without the New York fans, period," Chamberlain was quoted as saying in Thursday's editions of the Daily News and the New York Post. "I mean no disrespect to anybody in New York. Everyone has driven in New York and gotten mad at one another, so that happens. I love this place, it's my second home and it's embraced me and my family. I couldn't ask for anything better."

Wait. A Yankee using the media to go back on his word? This seems like familiar territory for these guys. All this fake behavior, wanting to be loved by the fans. I feel like we've already seen this before...I just don't know who it is....

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