Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Woman Charged Twice With DUI In 3 Hours.

A woman was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence twice within three hours, police said. Farmington police said Elsa Veisor was given a field sobriety test in a parking lot on Saturday. Police said Veisor was found to be driving under the influence and was taken to police department and charged .Police said officers told Veisor that a friend could pick up her car which was left in the parking lot.They said the friend who picked up the car also picked Veisor up from the police department. They said Veisor got behind the wheel of the car and on her way home, passed the officer who originally stopped.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Move that camera down 3 inches and we got today's side boob of the day. I like where your heads at. We can ignore the whole DUI thing and this chick is a solid 8. Throw in her piss poor judgment and she gets reduced to a 7. Don't get me wrong, I love the ladies and they rev my engine but they do not belong behind the wheel. And how about the friend here. At what point between the bitch's slurred speech, googly eyes, quirky smile and blood shot eyes did she say, "yeah, you drive. I'm so tired I feel like potentially dying." All on a Monday night. No excuses, you're not in college anymore. Then again, with decisions like those I'd be shocked if these two booze hags even made it to college.

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