Saturday, April 11, 2009

Northern Sexy Magic.

Does this look like the face of a man who is going to be trying on the green jacket tomorrow afternoon? My prediction, Jim Furyk, currently in fourth place...only down three strokes going into the final day, so he can easily pull this one off. We don't talk about the great game of golf here at Mutual...but why the fuck not?? The only sport you can play until the day you die thats for sure. Unfortunately (not really), Tiger Woods is 7 strokes off the lead, thats quite a tall task in the final day, almost one that would need to be a lion. Bahaha. 70 and sunny tomorrow in Augusta, prime conditions for a man like Furyk, with his fine, Al Roker stature, and Shaquile Oneil swing, he'll take over this tournament with ease. If I'm right with my pick, Rza vows to fall in love with a 15 year old...oh heyyy thats not a stretch. Burlington vows to be fun for a night, okay...that one will work. Shots of Courvosier all around. If I had my druthers, I would wear that jacket with nothing school.

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