Sunday, April 26, 2009

Falcon Freaks.

Residents said they're not happy that Albertus Magnus College in New Haven cut down dozens of trees on Earth Day as part of its expansion efforts.Trees used to line Prospect Street, residents said, but now there are just cut-up logs."It's all pretty destructive and brutal and seems pretty uncalled for considering promises they made at City Hall to consult with residential neighborhoods," resident Harvey Weiss said.Trees were cut down on Earth Day in several areas on the school's campus. Residents said the school has been talking about expanding some of its buildings and parking lots.

I think it's safe to say I know a thing or two about Albertus and those trees needed to fucking go. Trust me. There was a solid row of 30 pine trees and I would look out my window everyday and see nothing but green. How was I supposed to scope all the fat/black girls walking to class? Do you think this story would even be in the news if it wasn't earth day? What is earth day anyway? Those trees were dead. I have a scar on my left arm from drunkenly walking into several dead branches. I want to know what great expansion plans they have to. Last I checked there were only 6 buildings on campus and 3 of them were dorms. But I mean it's a decent establishment.

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