Monday, April 6, 2009

Player Gets Card For Farting

A referee ordered a penalty to be retaken in a Sunday league football game when an opposition player broke wind as the ball was kicked. The Chorlton Villa player got a yellow card for the noise which was classed as "unsporting behaviour". The team, who conceded a goal on the second take, went on to win the match 6-4 against International Manchester FC at Turn Moss in Stretford, Manchester. Villa manager Ian Treadwell said their conduct was "normally exemplary". Mr Treadwell said: "We are not a dirty team and we like to play football."

What a sad day for soccer when this type of shit happens(pun?). How are you going to penalize a guy for letting one rip? It's bad enough they had to take the pk over again but they just add insult to injury to the poor lad. Shit, I've farted 3 different times in just writing this post and you don't see some stuck up bastard giving me a yellow card. I just don't know anymore. And Treadwell says they are not a dirty team? Check your trousers fellas because if you're trying to tell me that Mr. Treadwell doesn't come with a pair of tread marks, I'm not buying it.

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