Monday, May 18, 2009

Brett Favre Might Possibly Be Thinking About Considering a Comeback. Maybe.

Brett Favre will meet with renowned orthopedist Dr. James Andrews on Tuesday in Alabama to discuss surgery on his throwing shoulder expected to be performed later this week, the St. Paul Pioneer Press has reported. Rehabilitation from the surgery, which will release a partially torn biceps tendon in Favre's right arm, would be six to eight weeks, the report said. Favre, 39, consulted with Andrews last week, a source told ESPN. According to the Pioneer Press, Favre then missed another scheduled appointment with Andrews.

Thank God. I don't know what we would have done without more Favre speculation to fill our days. Whatever. Let the poor bastard play football until he ultimately kills himself out there. I just wanna make sure that when they talk about him throughout history that they describe him as anything but loyal.

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