Monday, May 4, 2009

Lebron= MVP

The NBA will announce LeBron James as its MVP on Monday, The Plain Dealer of Cleveland has reported. A day before the Cleveland Cavaliers begin their second-round series against the Atlanta Hawks, the league will anoint James, who turns 25 on Dec. 30, as its second-youngest MVP.

Yawwwnnnnnnnn. Wake me when that immature little shit wins a ring. Or maybe when he can cosistently hit the trey ball from outsite. He is one man I would never go fishing with. First of all, he's too tall. Quite frankly I don't enjoy tall people. Always feel like they're looking down at me. Secondly, he's just a goofy bastard. Not a huge fan of his pregame antics. This aint the nhl, sister. You can't pretend to take pictures of yourself like you're some Vogue intern. Especially when you look like an oversized monkey. So that would be an ape? Lebron just bores me. There is no suave to his game. It's like the I'm bigger and stronger than you so I'll just jump around and look like a hairy gorilla. The bottom line is I fucking hate Lebron James. If he fell off his monkey bike and never played basketball again, I wouldn't even flinch. I prefer me some D.wade. He's silky smooth, plays in Miami, never beats the Celtics, and makes Barkely look like a silly bitch in his commercials. A jack of all trades.

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