Monday, May 11, 2009

Gay Dad (Gad?) Wants Big Baby To Say Sorry

Orlando Magic fan Ernest Provetti, whose son, 12-year-old Nicholas, was nearly run over by Glen Davis after his buzzer-beating, game-winning shot last night, is demanding an apology from the Celtics forward. According to a report at Orlando, Provetti sent an e-mail to the NBA League office this morning, saying that Davis crossed the line and embarrassed his son. Provetti said his son had to dive into his courtside seat to get out of the way, though that does not appear to be the case in the video. In the e-mail, Provetti said Davis conducted himself like a "raging animal with no regard for fans' personal safety." In a telephone interview with the Sentinel, Provetti said, "How do you like to be a 12-year-old and see a raging lunatic coming at you?" He said noted that Davis should never have been so close to the fans in the front row. "The NBA makes it clear [that players are not to] cross the sideline. If I cross that line, the NBA will take away my tickets. It's a double standard."

Is this guy serious? Dude. Boo fucking hoo. Waaa waaaaaa. Get this motherfucker a bottle. Big Baby shouldn't have been so close to fans? Oh, excuse him for crossing the 1 inch line that exists between his 250 pound frame and you're fucking spoiled, chubby excuse for a son. Maybe tubby shouldn't have been smashing his face with a hot dog and watched the game like a real man. Not Big Baby's fault this kid was spending his time changing his tampon during one of the most clutch shots in playoff history. If a NBA player knocked me down I'm not going out and fucking crying about it to my dad. You're going into school the next day, lifting your sleeve up, showing your war scars, getting high fives from your boys and getting BJ's from your girls(I immediatly questioned that statement also). Congrats Provetti. You and your son are officially the biggest pussys I have ever seen since Sellberg's birth. Don't let the door hit ya in the vagina on the way out, fellas.

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