Thursday, May 28, 2009

Why do the Sox win? Efficiency.

MINNEAPOLIS -- Jason Varitek hit two home runs, then was one of four people ejected by young umpire Todd Tichenor during separate arguments in the seventh inning of Boston's 3-1 victory over the Minnesota Twins on Thursday. Things escalated in the bottom of the inning when Beckett threw a pitch that Varitek tried to frame for strike three on Brendan Harris. When he didn't get the call -- replays showed that it appeared to be outside -- Beckett seethed. Varitek stood up to intervene, turned around and got in Tichenor's face. Ejection No. 3.

I hate the sox, I hate baseball, but I couldn't not post about this one. You may see a crazy game of throwing at opponents, I see smart coaching moves. Varitek is no spring chicken, he needs his day off every once in a while. So he goes out and belts two dingers. Clearly, he's done his share of the run production, so he gets himself ejected. Its the 7th inning, now Jason gets an extra hour of rest. Smart Fucking Move. He won't need to sit out this weekend, and the Red Sox can extend their lead in the AL East. Terry Francona, I applaud you for calling that inside pitch.

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