Monday, March 7, 2011

What Happens If Charlie Sheen Is Fired And Nobody Cares About His Show Possibly Being Canned?

Warner Brothers executives announced Monday that they have fired Charlie Sheen from his hit comedy “Two and a Half Men.” The terse official statement read, “After careful consideration, Warner Bros. Television has terminated Charlie Sheen’s services on ‘Two and a Half Men’ effective immediately.” The studio, which owns and produces the series, will decide about the future of the show at a later date, a spokesman said. Mr. Sheen released a statement to saying, in part: “This is very good news. They continue to be in breach, like so many whales,” adding, “And I never have to put on those silly shirts for as long as this warlock exists in the terrestrial dimension.”

Do Two and Half Men fans really care about this? I'm gonna go with no for one reason and one reason only. I've been watching re-runs for the past couple weeks and every episode is the same. You can play re-runs for the next 30 years and fans won't even know because every viewer of that show is 80 or brain dead. But how will it be remembered? I go apeshit for History Channel specials so I keep thinking about this Charlie Sheen/Two and Half Men debacle in terms of how it's gonna be viewed in 20 years when Chuck will be dead and gone. I think it'll be totally forgotten that Charlie Sheen actually had a job before he went on a media rampage. Most sensible people would think it was the other way around. First he got fired then he lost his head and went totally insane, right? Not so fast, my friend. Like I can't wait to explain to my future son that the Sheen was a man unlike any other we had ever laid eyes on. Forget about Tiger Woods for a while because Charlie backs down from no man. He had teeth of gold and the blood of a tiger. Armed with Adonis DNA, a warlock's vocabulary and a chlamydia infected dick. Some may say he was manic depressive or bi-polar but I say he was bi-winning because not only did he win here but he won there and everywhere in between. That's actually the eulogy I'm gonna read at his funeral when all 2 million twitter followers are invited.

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