Saturday, March 26, 2011

Police Mistake Black Guy For Another Black Guy. Shit Happens, Right?

COLUMBIA, S.C. -- South Carolina's top football recruit Jadeveon Clowney was detained and handcuffed briefly by Columbia police early Friday morning because authorities say he fit the description of a burglar. To demonstrate -- and downplay -- what happened to Clowney, Gamecocks coach Steve Spurrier was detained and handcuffed briefly by Police Chief Randy Scott while talking to the media after practice Friday afternoon. Clowney was stopped at 2 a.m. Friday morning, but Scott stressed that the 18-year-old South Pointe High senior did nothing wrong. The chief did say Clowney was wrongly allowed into a bar in the Five Points district near campus; Scott said he was told the person who let Clowney inside had been fired. "A lot of people would probably get upset getting handcuffed, but the police have a tough job to do," Spurrier said. "They don't know who has a gun who's going to shoot them or not. So a lot of times they will handcuff a person, ask him a few questions and that's the end of it." Clowney spoke to WIS-TV in Columbia about the incident. "They put the cuffs on us, searched us and said 'we must have the wrong guys,' " he said.

Only in the south can you get away with this shit like it's not a big deal.  Even Spurrier acted like it was no sweat off his ass "They got a tough job to do, they don't know who has a gun or who's going to shoot them or not." Wait. What? They just assume every black guy has a gun and may or may not shoot them once they start getting questioned so they slap the cuffs on them? So no matter what, they cuff you even if they want to talk? Sounds a lot like slavery. Tie this dude down so he won't run off the plantation. The south is like the wild, wild west of old. Every man for himself, make the rules up as you go along and the only thing you can hope for is to not get caught in the crossfire.

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