Monday, March 28, 2011

Italy Doesn't Want The Jersey Shore

jersey shore italy bin laden stereotype italians
The Jersey Shore cast is going to Italy for Season 4 and Italians aren't too happy about it. An article from has a ton of quotes from angry Italians and to say they don't want them there is an understatement.
"In fact, Italians are comparing the gym-tan-laundry loving pack of guidos and guidettes to the 'worst stereotypes of Italians,' with one person going so far as to say that Osama Bin Laden 'had a point' in attacking the United States.

But the insult grenades are already being tossed the cast's way, with Italian columnist Roberto Del Bove dissing the Shore denizens in the Rome newspaper New Notzie. 'They embody the worst stereotypes of Italians, multiplied by thousands and Americanized,' he wrote.

One commenter on an MTV Italia website offered this little ditty: 'When I see this, I wonder whether Osama Bin Laden had a point.'

Aldo Grasso, a prominent TV critic for the same paper told the Wall Street Journal that he's 'afraid' and that 'the image of Italy abroad is already weakened.'
Seriously Italy? You can go fuck yourselves. So now it's okay to commit acts of terrorism because of The Jersey Shore? Really? Reeeeeaaallllyyyy? RRRREEEEEEAAAAALLLLLLLLLLYYYY??? But the "the image of Italy abroad is already weakened" argument is such a solid one. You know that someone from Australia who is thinking about going to Italy is going to say, "Nah, fuck that, I heard the Jersey Shore will eventually be there and I don't want to set foot anywhere they have or will so I'm not going anywhere near that place". Yeah, that's definitely what their thought process will be. Go back to watching soccer, I'm getting ready for MLB Opening Day.

jersey shore italy bin laden stereotype italians

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