Tuesday, March 22, 2011

NFL Votes to Change Kickoff Rules

NFL owners voted today 26-6 in favor of changing the rules of kickoffs. The rule change moves the kickoff from the 30 to the 35-yard line. This rule was changed because kickoffs are really dangerous and the thinking was that this would create more touchbacks. It will be interesting to see if teams decide to have their kicker kick it high and to the goal line forcing teams to return it. The coverage team starts 5 yards closer to the kick returner so in theory they should be able to get to the returner quicker and pin them inside the 20.

Kick returners are all pissed off about this rule change but I think we are forgetting that we're still in a lockout and there might not even be a season. How about the NFL owners focus on ending the lockout instead of being big vaginas and constantly changing the rules to "protect the players" even though the players don't want the rules changed.

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