Monday, March 21, 2011

Cee Lo Green Has A Lot of Sex

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Cee Lo Green did an interview with The Sun last weekend and talked about how he is basically the new David Duchovny.
"I'm definitely having more sex than the average man. Yes, two or three women a night, trust me. The other day I slept with two women - not at the same time - because I was at home and they missed me. But you know, these are my friends, we missed each other. So I just want to give joy and good tidings, that's what it's all about.

The Lady Killer has got all the girls in a frenzy. Everybody wants to know what's up with the big man. It makes sense because I'm a great guy - I'm charming, I'm funny, I'm sexually potent."
At least he can sleep well after banging all those chicks thinking that it's because he's awesome and not because all of a sudden he's really famous and rich. He's probably right though, what girl wouldn't want a piece of this:

cee lo green sex bang girls chicks lots

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