Monday, March 28, 2011

Hey Kids, This Is Why You Don't Do Drugs.

Oak Island Police tell TMZ Evans was booked into Brunswick County Jail and was released shortly thereafter on bond. According to Jenelle's attorney, a warrant was issued for Jenelle's arrest after police saw the video of Evans fighting with another girl. The other girl in the video, Britany Truett, initially said she wasn't going to press charges, but changed her mind over the weekend.  Evans is charged with assault and "affray for fighting." She is due back in court April 26. An attorney for Evans tells TMZ, "Based on the information that I have received, I believe Jenelle was set up." UPDATE: Get this ... cops had a warrant for Kieffer Delp (the guy Jenelle and Britany were fighting over) based on a cocaine charge from last year ... and they found him at Jenelle's house and arrested him too

Talk about a bad day, right? One second you're throwing down in the front yard with a bitch like it's recess and the next thing you know, you're getting handcuffed in your house while your boyfriend gets picked up for a cocaine charge from a year ago. This is exactly why I'm pro-abortion. Has anybody thought about how fucked up this kid is gonna be when he gets older? Jenelle should be a walking ad for abstinence. And don't you think her mom wishes she had an abortion, too? I've never seen a more self destructive piece of shit on TV in my entire life. I just don't get it. How do you get your child taken away and not have some sort of life adjustment? That doesn't tell you to wake the fuck up? And then she steals her mom's credit card and drives to Jersey like it's not a big deal? My only advice would be to kill yourself. Jam an icepick in your throat and kill yourself. Your son won't even miss you because it's like you never existed to him anyway. If you think that's being harsh then you haven't seen anything. Catch me on a Tuesday and ask me how I feel about Taylor Swift, dudes who fake tan, Jay Leno and Terry Bradshaw.

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