Monday, March 28, 2011

Barry Bonds' ex-mistress Testified in Court Today

barry bonds steroids grand jury testify mistress
Barry Bonds has been in court about his whole "lying to a grand jury" thing and today his former sex slave testified that he talked about using steroids. Most of it was boring but then there was this part:
"She further testified that Bonds' sexual performance declined in the later years of their relationship. She said that his testicles changed shape and shrank. Bell also testified that Bonds grew -- and shaved -- chest hair and developed acne on his back."
He grew chest hair AND shaved it? C'mon man! You can't be doing stuff like that. That shit will get you thrown in prison. I hope he gets acquitted then comes back to the majors and starts slugging homers again just to prove a point. If he does end up going to jail all he needs to do is watch this video to get an idea of what life will be like in the slammer.

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