Sunday, March 20, 2011

Kim Kardashian Is Insecure on Cover of Self Magazine

kim kardashian self magazine bikini fat coverIf we needed another example as to why girls are awesome this is it. Kim Kardashian is on the cover of Self magazine's April issue and started yapping about how she feels fat and ugly.
"Of course I struggle with insecure moments. I wish I didn't, but I love to eat, especially black dick sweets. And I’ll say it. I think my thighs are jiggly and I have cellulite. Now let’s move on!"
In honor of March Madness (and Kim's boyfriend Kris Humphries - wait, that's not Kris Humphries, this is. Side note - is it at all weird that he has the same name as Kim's mom and they spell it the same wack-job way?) this one is a layup, slam dunk and 3 pointer all-in-one. It serves as a reminder that even the hottest girls are insecure. And insecure girls are easier. William Hung could bang Kim while she is insecure. So the next time you are at the bar and see a dime, don't think you have no shot. Instead, start calling her fat and take it to the bank. Insecurity - making untouchables, touchable.

kim kardashian self magazine bikini fat cover

kim kardashian self magazine bikini fat cover
kim kardashian self magazine bikini fat coverkim kardashian self magazine bikini fat cover

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