Monday, March 21, 2011

Taco Bell Price Increase Has Consequences

Police say a San Antonio Taco Bell customer enraged that the seven burritos he ordered had gone up in price fired an air gun at an employee and later fired an assault rifle at officers before barricading himself into a hotel room. San Antonio police Sgt. Chris Benavides says officers used tear gas Sunday night to force the man from the hotel room after a three-hour standoff. The man is charged with three counts of attempted capital murder. Authorities have not released his name. Brian Tillerson, a manager at the Taco Bell/KFC restaurant, told the San Antonio Express-News that the man was angry the Beefy Crunch Burrito had gone from 99 cents to $1.49 each.

I get it. Nothing revs my engine quite like a fast food joint raising the prices without me knowing. It's like at McDonals when you order up 2 McDoubles and a sweet tea and they ask what size you want for the tea. I mean I brought $3.18 because I thought I would be spending that much. I carefully picked out 1 dime, a nickel and 3 pennies because that's what I expected and now you wanna throw a size order at me and demand an extra 22 cents? I don't think so. Not on my watch.  I'd start firing off my air gun if I had one, too.  And that's only for a extra 22 cents, imagine my reaction if they threw a half dollar increase at me like they did to this guy at Taco Bell.

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