Monday, March 21, 2011

Matt Cooke Suspended 10 Games Plus 1st Round of Playoffs

Matt Cooke is a huge doucher. We all know that. It shouldn't surprised us when he does something like this but time and time again I'm surprised that he continues to do it. Yesterday he gave a vicious elbow to the head of New York Rangers Ryan McDonagh that was completely uncalled for yet completely Matt Cooke-esque.

Today the NHL handed Pittsburgh Penguins forward Matt Cooke a 10 game suspension, which is the rest of the regular season, plus the Penguins 1st round playoff series. That means this is a minimum of 14 games and could be a maximum suspension of 17 games. Hopefully the Penguins get eliminated in the 1st round and we don't have to see him back this year. Also, hopefully someone just breaks his legs so severely we never have to see him again. Here's the elbow from yesterday followed by a bunch of other dirty Matt Cooke plays.

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