Thursday, June 24, 2010

LA Smackdown. Kobe's Wife Hates Lamar's.

Khloe Kardashian is feeling unloved--not because of her husband, Lamar Odom, but because of one of his Lakers teammates' wives. According to an insider, Kobe Bryant's wife, Vanessa, "hates" Khloe and her entire family, whom she sees as attention-grabbing fame-seekers. And instead of hiding her feelings, Vanessa refuses to have anything to do with the 26-year-old. "She won't sit anywhere near Khloe at Lakers games," the insider reveals, adding that because of Vanessa's dislike of her, Khloe has been shut out of the tight-knit circle the other Lakers' wives have formed. "At a dinner for the wives, Vanessa didn't want to invite Khloe," the insider shares. "She said Khloe is a 'fake wife,' and she didn't want fake wives there." The feeling is mutual. The insider says Khloe and Vanessa have "gotten into fights" in the past. And at the Lakers' NBA Finals game on June 17, Khloe brought Lamar's two children, as well as her mom, Kris, and siblings Kim, Rob, Kendall and Kylie--and they all stayed far away from Vanessa.

Ohhhhh snap! Vanessa Bryant didn't want fake wives at dinner? Really? A fake wife? Kinda like when sat there next to Kobe with a new ring on her finger after he admitted to boning/raping that little white girl in Colorado? That type of fake wife? I hate the ugly Karadashian but I might have to side with her on this one. Like she actually had a job before she met Lamar. I bet she dominates Lamar. I could dominate Lamar. He's a ninny but that's neither here nor there. I'm just curious to see what Khloe and Kobe's bitch fought about. Vanessa mentions something like Lamar is soft and Khloe comes right back with a "Oh ,well your husband raped a chick and probably raped you." Game, set, match.

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