Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Molina Traded to Rangers

Baseball bores a lot of people, but those people are communists. Just to keep the communists happy I have included a picture of Selena Gomez in a bikini. In case you were wondering, she's 17...buttttt turns 18 three weeks from today!

Alright, back to the greatest sport in America. One of those Molina brothers (Bengie) was traded yesterday. The Giants traded him to the Rangers for Chris Ray and a player to be named later. Bengie takes his .257 average and 3 HR to Arlington where the favorable hitting conditions should help him improve the power numbers. The Giants will move young phenom Buster Posey to catcher full-time (he was playing mostly 1B while Molina was catching). This is bad news for fantasy owners as they prefer Posey to play 1B since it is a far less demanding position and you can play everyday.


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