Thursday, June 10, 2010

Speidi Jr.

Everyone's favorite trashy celebrity couple, Heidi and Spencer, might be welcoming the next generation of evil into the world. Heidi Montag is in the middle of a "separation" from husband Spencer Pratt but a lot of people believe it is just for publicity. Heidi and Spencer do something soley for publicity? No way...not in a million years. . Now it is being reported that Heidi is afraid she is pregnant. I'm not sure what to believe with these two anymore because the only truthful part about their relationship is the fact that Heidi's boobs keep getting bigger.

In the article it says an "insider" tells Star Magazine "She and Spencer had an active sex life right up until the day she walked out door, and she was terrified that she could be pregnant." Lesson #1 if you don't want to get pregnant - wear a condom. Lesson #2 - birth control. It's not that hard. I'm sure this is all another publicity stunt but heaven help us if it isn't because there shouldn't be one of these little creatures running around.

I'm pretty sure that "thing" has a goatee.

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