Thursday, June 10, 2010

Fuck That!

The greatest sporting event in the world starts in t-minus 15 hours and it will be missing a couple things. Obviously the excellent players who are ruled out (Luis Nani, Rio Ferdinand, and possibly Drogba), but we found out today something else will be absent: extravagantly cussing out the referees throughout the tournament. To mine and other cuss word connoisseur's disgust, referees have been learning English swear words to ensure discipline throughout the tournament. Seriously? What the fuck? That's fucking bullshit you douchebag ass fuck. FIFA is denying that they sent out a list of swear words to all referees. Well how did they learn them then FIFA? Watch Scarface on repeat? Swearing is awesome! It's as American as apple pies or major athletes getting away with rape! We can't take that away or this World Cup will be ruined.

I am hereby starting the "FUCK the World Cup keeping us from saying fuck and other fucking awesome words" campaign, I look forward to your support.

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