Monday, June 21, 2010

Video Games Leads To An Absolute Shit Storm

Police said a 54-year-old man and his girlfriend were arrested after a dispute over a noisy video game erupted into a Father's Day struggle with police officers. Vernon police said the man, George Stein, was playing video games Sunday night when a child annoyed by the noise shut the door to the room Stein was in. Police said Stein got angry and grabbed some kind of weapon, which led his girlfriend's son to call police. Authorities said the girlfriend, 42-year-old April Devaux, became combative with officers, refused to let go of a front porch post and spat in an officer's face. Devaux was charged with assault on police and other crimes, while Stein was charged with threatening. Both posted bail.

So let me get this straight. A 54 year old man was playing video games too loudly so the child closed the door and this made George go bat shit and grab some form of weapon? And the girlfriend was then combative and spit in the officers face? I just have so many questions that I need answered before I judge anyone. Listen, if there's one thing I know, it's how video games can lead to violence. I won't name names but let's call this kid bonnor rubinko and he totally smashed his controller once when Billy Bayne beat him in NHL. Billy Bayne also did other unspeakable acts and absolutely got his face bashed in but that's a different story for a different time. Anyway. Does this kid belong to anyone or was he just living next door and finally got fed up with the childish behavior and started slamming doors? That would make anybody pissed. I feel like anytime somebody slams an object in the face the immediate reaction is, "dude! what the fuck?!" I don't know. This story pulls me in so many ways. I love the bravery of the little kid but I also admire the intensity of the video gamer. I can't get mad at the cops for doing their job but the gilfriend standing up for her man is desirable. If this ever goes to court, I want in.

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