Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Party in the City Where the Heat is On

It is being reported that Lebron James, Chris Bosh and Dwyane Wade will sign with the Miami Heat when free agency starts on Thursday. This news comes a few days after it was reported that Lebron and Bosh to Chicago was a "done deal". I don't believe anything with Lebron news until it actually happens so take this news with a grain of salt but I have been predicting Lebron to the Heat all along. The Heat will have to move Beasley and his laziness if they want to free up enough cap space to sign the 3 but that shouldn't be too much of a problem.

P.S. Hey Blog Dylan, I listened to the podcast...specifically the part where you called me out about predicting Lebron to the Heat because you picked the Bulls...how's that karma treating you Riiiiccckkkyyy?


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