Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Silly Bandz: The Second Coming of Pogs

The 80's had baseball trading cards and slap bracelets, the 90's had pogs, Pokemon cards, and Duncan yo-yos, and now we have an elementary school trend; the silly band. Even though silly bandz are meant for 6 year olds, I think this transcends the 6 year old demographic. I would go so far as to say that it is acceptable for people up to 60 to wear, and I am proud to say that I wear silly bandz. Now, a lot of people hate on my silly bandz saying things like...

"You look like a fag wearing those colored rubber bands."
"What the hell is on your wrist?"
and my favorite
"You have silly bandz? You must be some sort of asshole."

All of these things have been said to me, and I don't care. All their hate stems from one word: jealousy. They are jealous they don't have the self confidence to wear things like multi-colored rubber bands. I mean seriously, who wouldn't want a rubber band that turns into a saxophone. Anyone who says they wouldn't want a saxophone silly band is lying to them self and the rest of the world.

If all this wasn't enough evidence of why silly bandz are fuggin' amazing I'll give you another - a ton of girls wear silly bandz and are always open for trading them with other people. Today alone I have given two girls my number, and how did I meet them? SILLY BANDZ. You can go from a non-silly band wearing fool to a silly band wearing guy with a smoking hot girl. God bless silly bandz.

I'm also pretty sure wearing Silly Bandz makes you as cool as this guy...and who wouldn't want to be as cool as this doode.

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