Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Paul Pierce Joins NBA Free-For-All

The NBA free agency period starts in less than 9 hours and it's going to be wild, like Robert Downey Jr. at an open bar. Paul Pierce decided to opt out of the last year of his contract (he would have made $21.5 million) and joins a ridiculous list of players set to cash in. Pierce will be 33 in October so he probably only has 1 big contract remaining. It's a semi-risky move, walking away from $21.5 million in hopes that he can sign a big contract, but it should pay off.

There are two scenarios rumored to be taking shape right now. 1) Lebron and Bosh sign with Chicago. 2) Lebron, Bosh and Wade sign with Miami. If scenario 1 happens, Miami will be looking to add a big time player and that might mean Paul Pierce. The Heat currently only have Wade, Beasley and Chalmers under contract so they have a ton of cap space. If scenario 2 happens, Chicago will be looking to add 2 top free agents and Pierce could be one.

Teams such as the Nets, Knicks and Clippers will also be looking to add a player like Pierce if they miss out on the Lebron/Wade/Bosh sweepstakes. In any case it likely means the end of the "Big 3" in Boston. They had a good run and will need to rebuild with Ray Allen also possibly leaving and Kevin Garnett's contract up after next season.

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