Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Pretty Little Liars Pilot

Two weeks ago I posted some previews from the Pretty Little Liars pilot and commented how they looked boring. Well I just watched the pilot (which aired last week) and I am hooked. It has everything you need for a great show - mystery, drama, scandals and hot high school girls. The pilot got better and better as it went on and provided a well out-lined plot that should keep me interested for a while. The show revolves around 5 girls who have a slumber party when one girl, Alison, goes missing (wow I just realized how lame that last sentence sounded). A year later the other 4 girls have grown apart when they begin getting texts from a random person named "A" who knows all their secrets. The 4 girls thought only Alison knew their secrets so they begin to wonder if she is alive when her body is discovered.

You might be thinking "A teen drama on ABC Family? Too gay for me" but let me first remind you are reading this blog. Second, it is loaded with hot girls who range from 20-24 that portray high school girls. Let me introduce you to my new television crush - Lucy Hale. She just turned 21, has had a bunch of random roles and is a complete smokeshow.

You can watch the pilot here...

The next episode is tonight on ABC Family at 8pm EST. Grab some Makers Mark so you feel a little more manly while watching it if you have to - or just watch the Celtics vs. Lakers game at 9pm EST right after the episode.

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