Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hey Ghana/Germany, We're Coming For Your Ass.

PRETORIA, South Africa -- Over and over, everything seemed to go against them.
A referee took away a win last week, and a linesman disallowed another goal Wednesday.Now there was just 3 1/2 minutes left in their World Cup, just that much remaining until all the doubts about American soccer would rise again.But then, in one of the most stunning turnarounds in World Cup history, Landon Donovan"This team embodies what the American spirit is about," Donovan said. "We had a goal disallowed the other night, We had another good goal disallowed tonight. But we just keep going. And I think that's what people admire so much about Americans. And I'm damn proud." scored on a lightning fast counterattack 45 seconds into 4 minutes of injury time. With the most amazing late-game moment in American soccer, the United States beat Algeria 1-0 Wednesday and reached the World Cup's second round, winning a group for the first time since 1930. 

People always wanna hate on Landon Donovan and I don't know why. To put it simply, he is everything that's right about America. Maybe he's not the flashiest or the most eye popping guy out there but he's the hardest working, quickest and smartest dude that has ever sported the red, white and blue and you gotta respect that. I'm watching the Germany/Ghana game right now and I don't really see why we won't be able to beat both of them. I mean it was a narrow 1-0 victory today but there was no question who the better team was out there. America, America, America. It very easily could have been 4-0 but then again that's what seperates us from a team like Brazil. They put those open netters in and we get frustrated and pop them over the cross bar.

P.S. I am getting eeehhhhh wicked hammered tonight.

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