Saturday, June 12, 2010

It's D-Day Boys and Girls!

Any other day I got nothing against the English. You name the modern day war and they usually have our backs. Hopefully some day we can get together with our english mates and talk about how wild this game was. But none of that means shit today. Yeah, I'm Irish and you might be french but today we stand under one flag. It's time to unite under the red, white and blue and let the world know we're here. This aint 1998 anymore, baby. It's 2010 and our boys don't give a fuck about how much money Wayne Rooney makes or that Johny Terry is a scumbag and knocks up his teammates wife and makes her get an abortion to hide it. I feel like there's so much more than just 3 points up for grabs today. It's like back in the day when an army would roll through a small village and destroy it just to show them they're not sleeping on anyone. We gotta show the world that last years confederations cup was no fluke. England gave us The Office, Hugh Grant and David Beckham. But we gave them Top Gun and that trumps all.

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