Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Brohan Santana

Okay, enough is enough. Professional athletes seriously need to stop acting creepy and raping people. You may remember that last October Johan Santana was the latest member of the professional sports fraternity to be accused of rape. Well the case is closed because they couldn't prove lack of consent but "TMZ obtained a copy of the report filed with the Lee County Sheriff's Office on October 28, 2009" and some of the quotes are priceless.
The report continues: "Johan began to pull at [the accuser's] skirt/skort and attempt [sic] to place his hands into her underwear." According to the document the alleged victim "told Johan no multiple times but Johan persisted."

The report gets more graphic, when the accuser claims Santana penetrated her, grabbed and bruised her calf, and "ejaculated on her upper thigh."

The accuser claims she "cleaned her thigh with her underwear" -- and then returned to a tennis court with Santana, and actually watched him play tennis with someone else.
There's no doubt in my mind this was just another consensual case where the girl was looking to profit. Still, athletes need to know better because it happens all girls are money grubbing pirate hookers.


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